Archive for Kaldorei

History of Warcraft – Night Elves

Posted in General with tags , , , , , on February 18, 2009 by lvl80elite

Here is a little tid bit of information on the race Night Elves, or Kaldorei to some.

In their own history, Night elves were the first race to appear on Azeroth. They were nocturnal tribes that ended up settling near the Well of Eternity. [[ This is clearly confusing as the Titans created the Well of Eternity. The Titans created many races such as dwarf, gnome, etc but there is no mentioning of the Titans actually creating the night elves. It might be said that the Night Elves were the first native race, but then again there is much consideration to take with the trolls also. ]]

Even before the discovery of the Well of Eternity, the night elves worshipped Elune the moon goddess. It was this worship that eventually led the night elves to delve into the secrets of the Well of Eternity so that they may reach Elune. As the night elves studied the Well, they began to understand its arcane energies and their skin became shades of purple and their lives became extended. It was this transformation that made the night elves powerful enough to make the first great civilization. They built many towns and outposts across Azeroth and eventually found other races upon the land.  They warred with the trolls and eventually made a silent truce with them.

The night elf civilization reached its height with the reign of Queen Azshara. But it wasn’t long before it crumbled with the approach of the Burning legion. With the War of the Ancients and the Great Sundering, the night elf civilization began to crumble. The loss of their queen to the erratic effects of magic caused many to turn to druidism while others still tried to venerate what Queen Azshara once tried to create. Thus the night elf civilization split in two with the night elves (Kaldorei) and the High Elves (Queldorei). The night elves retreated into the deep forests to become the protectors of nature while the high elves ventured forth to the eastern continent where they ended up creating a great civilization based on the arcane magic. Over the years, the high elves lost their purple pigmentation, stature and height, as well as their immortality.

The night elves, now ruled over by Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind flourished and grew once more as druids kept the balance within the lands. [[Malfurion Stormrage was the first druid and as such the first Archdruid. He is considered one of the most powerful beings on Azeroth as he has be monumentally important in securing the safety of Azeroth in two of the three Wars brought by the Burning Legion. He is however currently lost in the Emerald Dream, which is supposed to be a sanctuary for the Green dragonflight as well as the druids of the land.]]

When the Third war hit Azeroth, the Night elves gave up their immortality to try to save the world once more and awaken many slumbering druids from the Emerald dream. Eventually the night elves met the other races of the world and together they defeated the burning legion. Afterwards, Malfurion Stormrage disappeared as well as many other powerful entities of Azeroth. A new world tree was created off the shores of Darkshore. The night elf society is still governed by the hand of Tyrande Whisperwind.