Archive for quests

Ode to Northrend Quests

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 14, 2009 by lvl80elite

There are so many quests in Northrend that really go above and beyond normal quests so I wanted to throw out a hat tip to a few of them I have come across. Please enjoy the following images. Please be aware that if you have not quested much in Northrend that most of these will be spoilers. But keep in mind that they offer what is to come for you.


**In Borean Tundra, there is a quest line that eventually leads to you being able to ride a Death Knights mount.  Granted you can not steer the thing, but hey….at least you get to ride one right?


** Good ol Hemet Nesingwary joins you for your final hunt in Scholazar Basin as you ride in on Stumpy (and more than likely do not ride out on him) to kill the Brood Mother of the drakes. Strap in and be sure to listen to Hemet when he shouts at you.


**Back in the Borean Tundra, players get their first sneak peak at the mammoth mounts available to them as a quest offers a mammoth bull to charge in on and defeat an enemy of D.H.E.T.A. Druid vs. Hunter, who will you choose? Well I chose both as I am quest greedy. 🙂


**Sshhhh don’t tell the real Iron Dwarves that I’m sneaking in on their operations.  Head on up to Grizzly Hills and you will start to get a bigger picture on the happenings of the golems and iron drwarves thruought Northrend. What is their big plan?


**What a great find! Here I am questing in Grizzly hills and pawing through troll ruins and I find Harrison Jones!  That would be Harrison [Ford] [Indiana] Jones just to point out. Help him escape and you can hear him go on about snakes.


**Worgen vs. Worgen, “who cares?” you might say. But in reality that second worgen is me as I fight my way up toward a keep that has a good old friend of ours back from Tirisfal Glades.


** Ok, so this is not from questing in Northrend. But I had to leave you with something….

It’s good old Ironforge and the lovely bread….lady. Want some bread? I stopped eating it long ago….